Today, we’re excited to announce that ApprentiScope has completed our SOC 2 audit. This milestone not only underscores our commitment to data security but also provides transparency into the rigorous measures we take to protect your information.
As Chief Engineer, I’m here to share what this means for you and how we continue to safeguard your data as we grow. Please visit the ApprentiScope Support Center to request our SOC 2 and other security and compliance documentation.
Why SOC 2 Now?
As Chief Engineer, I’m here to share what this means for you and how we continue to safeguard your data as we grow. Please visit the ApprentiScope Support Center to request our SOC 2 and other security and compliance documentation.
Why SOC 2 Now?
ApprentiScope is trusted by thousands of companies throughout the United States to store sensitive data and automate management workflows for Registered Apprenticeships and Work-Based Learning programs. Information security is at the core of everything we do at ApprentiScope, and by taking this step, we're putting our money where our mouth is and increasing transparency for our customers and prospects.
What’s in the Report?
This report certifies that ApprentiScope meets industry standards for protecting your information. Conducted by an independent auditor, it provides a detailed overview of our security practices, including:
Strong Authentication Controls and Limited Access to Data — We ensure that access to customer data is strictly limited to those who need it, and we conduct regular audits of our systems to maintain the integrity of these controls. This is particularly crucial as we scale our operations and continue to integrate with more robust data environments.
Continuous Monitoring and Incident Response — We maintain continuous compliance monitoring to ensure our key configurations are intact, and we’re prepared to respond quickly to any potential issues. This is aligned with our commitment to providing a platform that can seamlessly grow with our customers’ ambitions, no matter how complex.
Employee Security Awareness — We perform thorough background checks before hiring and provide ongoing security training for all employees, ensuring that security is embedded in our culture. With our rapidly expanding team across new offices and roles, this foundational training is more important than ever.
Robust Cloud Security — All ApprentiScope plans offer multiple security features for large organizations. Customers can integrate Single Sign-On, Multi-Factor authentication, and leverage our robust APIs to integrate their data into business intelligence tools like Power BI and Tableau. SOC 2 affirms the steps ApprentiScope has taken to secure its cloud environment and protect customer data at all stages of the lifecycle.
Ongoing Efforts
As ApprentiScope continues to grow and evolve, our security practices will adopt to new enterprise requirements and standards for security and compliance. To learn about our data privacy compliance efforts in particular, please visit our Support Center.
If you're an ApprentiScope customer or prospect, visit our Support Center to request our full SOC 2 report. If you’re considering bringing ApprentiScope into your team or organization, you can speak to our enterprise sales team and mention your interest in our security practices.