In an attempt to start to expand and develop a much-needed cybersecurity workforce the Purdue Cyber Apprenticeship Program will start to offer employers up to $5,000 to start to train and upskill their current talent pool. Employers may enroll in the program at any time and will be able to use their funds at their own discretion.
"I am honored and excited to be a part of P-CAP. Developing skilled cybersecurity professionals is vital to our economy and national security interests. P-CAP is an excellent example of how businesses can tap into a pool of highly motivated individuals either eager to start their careers in cybersecurity or wanting to step up to that next level. We developed the Kickstart Program so that Employer Partners can get access to talent now, or to up-skill their current workforce quickly." - Dr. Marcus Rogers, Executive Director, Purdue Cyber Apprenticeship Program.
It is believed that every 39 seconds there is a new cyber-attack and companies across the country are hacked on average around 2,244 times a day making cybersecurity a top priority for many industry leaders. Enrolling in the program not only provides employers with the necessary funds but also helps businesses receive nationally recognized industry-standard training for their participants helping to improve productivity across the board.
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